Ananda Sangha in Ahmedabad aspires to share the teachings of  Paramhansa Yogananda, and to provide a spiritually supportive environment where devotees can experience inner peace and harmony, divine friendship and community, and learn to lead a spiritually balanced life. From peace, calmness and stress-free living to the lofty peaks of Liberation and Moksha, the teachings of Kriya Yoga are for everyone.

Ananda Sangha Ahmedabad  is a part of the global spiritual movement called Ananda Sangha Worldwide. Ananda Sangha was founded by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple, of Paramhansa yogananda in America in 1968.

Currently we are offering satsangs on Sundays live streamed on Facebook, and meditation and other spiritual classes, guided meditations on Zoom on a regular basis. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions that you may have.

“By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise.”

Meditation is a technique for personal growth that has been practiced for thousands of years around the world with repeatable results. There is no aspect of your life that cannot be improved by meditation, whether it be in business, relationships, or health. The highest purpose of meditation, however, is to discover your Highest Self.

Kriya Yoga is an ancient meditation technique of energy and breath control, or pranayama. It is also a comprehensive spiritual path of additional meditation practices and guidance for living. The Kriya technique is given through personal initiation by one of our- Kriya Yogacharyas. Initiation requires preparation through practice of other meditation techniques and study of Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings.

Inspiring Satsang

Every Sunday, 9-10 am Learn More

Group Meditation

Get support to your meditation practice Learn More

Learn Meditation

Join our basic class on meditation Learn More

  • Accepting Criticism in the Right Way

  • God reads the Heart | A Touch of Light

  • Accepting Criticism in the Right Way

  • God reads the Heart | A Touch of Light

“People who gladly share with others feel themselves bathed by a constant, inner stream of happiness.” – Swami Kriyananda

If your life has been touched by our Gurus’ teachings and vibrations, please consider supporting Ananda Ahmedabad in reaching out expansively to truth-seeking souls everywhere. Giving back to the source of our inspiration assures that abundance and blessings continue to flow in our lives.

[Donations to Ananda Sangha are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of the IT Act, 1961]

  • Meditation helped me in every walk of life: from inner peace and joy to building up self confidence, more success in my business as well as better family life. My level of concentration became so good that I started enjoying whatever I do and live in the present moment of life. After watching my meditation activity closely for 2 years, my wife also joined the path of Kriya Yoga at Ananda.

    ~ Asit Trivedi, Wealth Advisor

  • I was fortunate to read the Autobiography of a Yogi at a very young age. I was very inspired by Yoganandaji’s teachings and wanted to learn Kriya Yoga since then. My experience with Ananda is that it welcomes every spiritual seeker warmly and guides them to God and Gurus.

    ~ Dr.Shashikala Nair, Consulting Psychotherapist

  • Ananda has been a smooth transition for me over a period of this 1.5 years from a disbalanced individual to the one aspiring and striving to being more balanced and an integrated being. Meditating each day has only made me calmer by the day helping me to be the best version of myself with my family and loved ones. Devotion and surrender to the divine is a powerful by product of meditation.

    ~ Hiral Trivedi, Lawyer, Trivedi’s Law Offices

  • I feel privileged to be part of Ananda. Prior to Ananda, i was not novice to meditation as i was trying to be on the spiritual path for the last 10 years. I found Ananda truly believed in encouraging people after giving meditation to stay on this path and of ways to help us on being on this path. Ananda means family to me now.

    ~ Bhavik Patel, Commodity & Currency Analyst

  • I read Autobiography of a Yogi about four years ago. Meanwhile I came to know about “How to Meditate” program to be conducted in Ahmedabad. I attended it and my journey on this path began. Practicing Kriya Yoga is altogether a different experience. It is self offering and attunement of consciousness with Infinite Consciousness.

    ~ Rajesh Bhalja, Retd.Group Director, Space Application Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad

  • Meditation actually helped me to experience my own healing, and gaining of self-knowledge in my own way. Meditation Classes at Ananda have really made my spiritual awakening more smooth and sped up the process. Ananda is a life saving way that helps you to look inside your self and realise yourself.

    ~ Shalu Patawari, Vedant International Pre school, Ahmedabad

  • I read the Autobiography of a Yogi and ‘found’ Ananda, although it’s probably more accurate to say Ananda found me! Meditation and kriya have changed my life literally; I am much more caring, compassionate and more focused than before. Overall it’s been a joyous journey and I feel truly blessed to be a part of the Ananda family,

    ~ Vinod Sarasia, Manager

  • Each topic in classes were explained in such a way that i could relate to them easily with my experiences and day to day life. Initially i was not sure whether i will be able to sit for meditation or not. But slowly the techniques helped us in such a manner that i started to enjoy meditation and it has become part of my life. After Meditation i feel calmness and joy. We felt that all our questions were being answered and after meditation we got solutions to many of our problems easily. We could control our behaviour and actions.

    ~ Ritu Mehta, HR Admin Officer, Vapi Public School

  • As I was reading Autobiography of a Yogi, I started feeling a very intimate closeness to Paramhansa Yogananda. I strongly believe that myself and my wife were guided by Him appropriately to Ananda to receive his teachings. His teachings have helped us how one can be happy in every life situation by living in God consciousness. All my experience throughout my life described here is a testimonial that a sincere devotee will be loved, guided, and protected by Guru and God all through his life to ultimately unite with Him.

    ~ K.Jayakumar Menon, former Research and Development Scientist

  • Due to my stressful job, I felt so stressed and anxious at times. But after learning meditation from Ananda, I can handle stress with Joy. Now I understand that completion of any work is not important, but how you complete it, is much more important. I can feel a lot of difference in myself. Different classes at Ananda has helped me to expand my spiritual knowledge. “True meaning of yoga is to look inside rather than outside,” I learned this at Ananda.

    ~ Deepak Dubey, Optimization Manager, Nokia

  • My affiliation to Ananda has not only helped me to learn mediation, but has also showed me the way to my spiritual journey. Meditation has helped me immensely. I have experienced a big change in my emotions, my thinking and my behaviour. It has also helped me develop a routine which now I follow regularly. I can certainly say that Ananda has made me realise what true Joy, Peace and Bliss is.

    ~ Amit Mehta, General Manager, Blue Star