Seva at Ananda

“Activities that are undertaken in a spirit of joyous service have the effect of putting one in tune with the infinite source of all power. The more consciously one acts as a channel for divine energy, the more he finds his inner powers actually increasing.” —Swami Kriyananda

For a devotee, all actions can be a form of karma yoga when one does one’s duties with the thought of God flowing through oneself. Where needs exist, whether large or small, willing hands make miracles happen. We encourage you to share a little of your time, your skills and especially your energy in service to share the vibrations and the teachings of our Master.

Seva from home – Contribute your time

Some ideas of seva that you can do from home:

– Support social media by sharing, posting etc

– Design simple graphics for online posts and sharing

– Create other interesting content (such as videos or art) for social media sharing 

– Offer technical help in website maintenance and sending email

– Organize informal satsang or classes in your society or colony for small groups online

– Pray for others as a healing prayer angel

or please suggest what you’d be interested.

When our center is open, you can offer seva in following ways at the center:

  • Volunteer to organize, cook and serve Prasad at the Centre.
  • Volunteer for maintenance and beautification of Centre based on the needs of the time.
  • Bring flowers, decorate altar and other parts of the Centre especially during special events.

Let’s share our joy with more and more truth seeking souls.

Seva Testimonials