Chakras: 7 Keys to Inner Transformation
An Experiential class, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Take a journey through the Chakras and discover simple yet profound methods that can help us improve our daily life and tune into our higher nature.
In this FASCINATING Class, you will LEARN:
- Anatomy of the Astral body and spine
- How to locate chakras and explore the qualities of each chakra?
- Pschological qualities associated with each chakras and how chakras influence our daily life?
- Meditation, visualization & affirmation practices to tune into each chakra
- Techniques to open, energize and balance chakras
- How to know if chakras are awakned?
Don't Miss one of our MOST Popular classes, offered once a year !
- Time and Date: 10.30 am – 1.30 pm, Sunday, 19 January 2025
- Venue: Attend at our center at Bodakdev (Ahmedabad) or Live Online on Zoom
- Energy Exchange: Rs 750 (includes course handout)
Note: After registration, you will receive class details on your whatsapp on Saturday afternoon.
Note: Additional course book is available for purchase.
For more info: Call or Whatsapp: 90238 63562

About the Teacher
Nayaswami Devendra
Nayaswami Devendra read Autobiography of a Yogi in 2004 and since then has been a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda ji. He holds a degree in Computer Science. He has been actively involved in sharing his Guru’s teachings in many cities in India and has helped in establishing meditation centers in Gurugram, Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, and Kolkata. He has also taught meditation classes in Singapore, Dubai and China. Currently he is Spiritual director of Ananda Center in Ahmedabad. He loves music and nature.
The Book that Sparked a Spiritual Revolution
Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda, is not an ordinary book. It is a spiritual treasure. To read its message of hope to all truthseekers is to begin a great adventure. First published in 1946, this book helped launch a spiritual revolution throughout the world.
Yogananda brought clarity to hundreds of thousands of people regarding the ancient teachings of India – previously shrouded in the cultural assumptions and terminology of an era long past. These teachings include the path of Kriya Yoga, which Yogananda called the ‘jet-airplane’ route to God.

Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
Paramhansa Yogananda, 1893 – 1952, was the first yoga master of India to take up permanent residence in the West.
Yogananda was born Mukunda Lal Ghosh to a wealthy Bengali family in Gorakhpur, India. Four Lotus FlowersFrom earliest childhood the young Mukunda displayed an intensely spiritual disposition. His favorite pastime was visiting saints, and his spiritual quest eventually led him to his guru Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri of Serampore. Under his guru’s training Mukunda attained, in the amazingly short period of six months, the high state of samadhi, or unconditioned oneness with God.

About Ananda Sangha
Ananda is a global spiritual movement sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Founded in 1969 by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of the great Indian Master Paramhansa Yogananda, Ananda is committed to helping people live in joy.
Ananda offers not just teachings and techniques, but love, friendship and support on the Path to Self-Realization.